Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Month 1, day 1

So far today has been fine. I know it's only day 1 and tomorrow will probably be harder.. I started my day with 2 slices of turkey bacon and 2 egg whites, plus a handful of supplements. It's roughly 5 ounces of protein, I believe. It's hard to measure without a food scale. (Mine will be here tomorrow, thanks Amazon.) I realize that number means nothing to anyone reading this because I haven't actually told you guys what I can eat and how this works! So here it is:

  • 12-1/2 ounces of lean protein, daily, divided between 3 meals and 3 snacks
  • NO MORE than 20 grams of net carbohydrates 
  • 2 servings of LOW carbohydrate vegetables (typically half cup)
  • Reduced fat dressings/condiments in EXTREME moderation, given that they follow the label requirements
  • unlimited celery, lettuce (any type), mustard, hot sauce, and vinegar
  • 1-2 tablespoons of approved oils/fats per meal, excluding snacks. (it's a very short list)
  • One sugar free jello per day (The silver lining!)
  • Small amounts of low fat cheeses
I was given a decent sized guidebook with any and all information I could need. And to give you an idea of just how much I have to cut carbs, the average healthy person eating a balanced diet eats roughly 200 grams of carbohydrates. I am allowed no more than 20... 1/10 of my favorite food group.. :(

It will be okay though! Once my body goes into ketosis, which could take 3 days to 2 weeks after beginning, I shouldn't feel hungry. My appetite should go away, as well as the fatigue that comes with the first days of the fast. 

As I'm typing this my stomach is grumbling at me. It's been about half an hour since my breakfast so I really shouldn't be hungry. But of course my mind knows what's happening and is going to try to trick me into eating what it wants. I won't give in, brain! 

If this post seems broken up, it's because I'm updated throughout the day instead of all at once and will publish it once the day is done 😊

My lunch today consisted of 3 ounces of lemon pepper chicken and garlic seasoned green beans. I don't have a lot here for my snacks, yet (need to go grocery shopping) so I omitted my snacks today.

Dinner was 4 ounces of baked chicken with house seasonings, green beans, and a romaine and spinach salad with grape tomatoes and mozzarella cheese, topped with reduced fat Italian dressing. It was good. It filled me up and stayed with me for a while. I took a nice hour long walk after dinner and am really looking forward to my jello!

I'd rate today an overall success. I didn't even cave when Bethany and Glenn had chocolate chip mini muffins or when Glenn had coffenut M&M's and danishes.

Here's to 6 more months of successful days!

Monday, February 27, 2017

Post-dietician appointment

Just a short update:

I had my appointment today to go over all the rules and limitations for the PSMF diet and get my handy dandy book.

HOPEFULLY tomorrow will be my official start date. I cannot start until I get my potassium prescription and unfortunately my endo's regular receptionist wasn't in today, so I have to call in the morning. They should be able to call it right in for me.

On top of that, for those curious, I have to take 5 other supplements daily: calcium, magnesium, fiber, multivitamin, and sodium.

Tomorrow I will start my day as Day 1 and if for some reason I can't get my potassium tomorrow, I'll just make sure I'm eating a full days worth of nutrients and calories.

It's truly going to be an adjustment...

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Dietician appointment!

Hey guys! It's been a hot minute since I've updated, but to be fair I haven't started the diet. This coming Monday is (finally) my appointment with the dietician so I can get all the details and rules of the diet. I had some issues with my TSH levels. As my endo aays, I have a "lazy thyroid," but not bad enough to be medicated. So I'm just tired all the time. As for the other 2 high results from my previous post--no worries!

But anyway, back on track! Monday is the day! Hopefully it's also my official start date! I'm anxious and excited. I'll update everything Monday after my appointment :)