Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Week 5

Hello faithful followers! I know I didn't post last week. It was an AWFUL week. I thought for sure that I gained a crap ton of weight and ruined everything. I ended up going out of ketosis for like 5 days. I did figure out how that happened and won't be making that mistake again!

So, week 5 is over and week 6 begins! It feels like it's been so much longer than 6 weeks. In my last post I had lost 4.5 pounds in week 3, bringing my total to 19 pounds total lost! I was doing so well, and then mother nature decided to visit (ON SCHEDULE!--which is a whole other thing) and I worked 3rd shift. working 3rd shift throws everything out of whack for me. Not only do they feed us SO WELL where I work so there are always tons of temptations, but I'm up more hours of the day than I normally would be. Because of that, I end of eating way more than I should. Not that I'm eating bad foods I'm not supposed to, but if I'm up for 20 hours, I have to eat. I rarely have an appetite, but it reaches a point after so many hours awake and exhausted that I'm just plain hungry.

As for me going out of ketosis... I found a couple recipes for ketogenic cookies that sounded amazing. So I go and buy all the ingredients and get to baking. THEY WERE AMAZING. Absolutely amazing. So good, in fact, that I gave the recipe to my friend Megan, who is doing to ketogenic diet. The other day I was at her house and we decided to make some cookies with the ingredients she bought. They were disgusting. Awful. They were so bad that her 6 year old daughter turned to me and said, "They taste like crap." Thank, Liv. I told Megan that when I got home I would send her a picture of the sugar substitute that I bought so that her cookies wouldn't "taste like crap." When I got home, I went to my cupboard to take a picture of the "sugar" and I realized that I bought Stevia and Sugar Cane blend. Which means that my 1g Net carb cookies that I THOUGHT I made were really like 5g of carbs each and that's how I ended up throwing myself out of ketosis. I was certain I sabotaged everything. I just felt like I gained everything back. I did weigh myself last Tuesday and I did not like what I saw. According to my scale, I had gained .4 pound. Not even half a pound and I felt defeated. But I didn't let it keep me down. I worked harder, fought my cravings and kept moving forward and that brings me to today's weigh in. I had a very specific goal for today. I wanted to hit the 25 pound mark and reach a certain weight. I've been weighing myself everyday to see how close I am. yesterday I was .2 pound away and by this morning I was 1 pound over what I wanted to lose!

So without further ado.... From week 3 until today, end of week 5 I lost 6.2 POUNDS bringing my total to 25.2 TOTAL POUNDS. I'm OVER THE MOON. I'm back in leggings most of the time now because my jeans are just too big to be comfortable. I've decided for the warmer weather this spring and into summer I'm going to just buy some cheap summer dresses. Those will cost me less and wear longer than if I were to buy a whole new outfit, considering I'm just going to keep losing weight for the next 4 and a half months.

Possible TMI moment for anyone reading this that isn't a mature adult: My period has been regular this month! It came 29 days after the start of my previous one! That has NEVER happened in my life without having to take progesterone to induce it. On the downside, last month it lasted 15 days and this month it's already been 9 days. It's gotten lighter and I think it'll be ending today or tomorrow, so hopefully that means that they'll keep getting shorter until I'm a normal woman....hah. Even though they're not exactly normal cycles, being that they're so long, I'm still going to start using OPK's and checking for ovulation, which, of course, is the MAIN goal of this fast--to have a baby!

Okay, I'm done for the week. I apologize for it being a little all over the place. I'm going to get off here and attempt to make ice cream out of a protein shake!


  1. Glad to hear you have reached your Goal!!!! in spite of the cookie incident LOL

    1. I knew it was suspicious when they tasted so good haha. I can't wait to reach my baby goal!
