Friday, March 10, 2017

Month 1, Day 11

Hello! I always feel so awkward starting these things... I never know what to say haha. Anyway.... Today I thought I'd do something a little different just because at this point nothing new is happening. I'm going to list some of these changes I've noticed over the last 2 weeks that have nothing to do with side effects or pounds lost.

The first thing I noticed is that my feet/ankles are no longer swelling after work, or walking a lot. It's really nice not having to come home from work and soak my feet in epsom salt. Not worrying about my shoes getting too tight after a few hours and being uncomfortable.

Another thing I've noticed is my back doesn't hurt as much. It still hurts. But it's more sporadic. Not an all day constant pain. Mostly when I sit for long amounts of times, that's when it starts to hurt.

My energy level has doubled! I know I've mentioned that before, but it still amazes me.

I don't feel the need to turn to food for every emotion. It's no longer my crutch. Writing this blog actually helps so much. It gives me a platform to get my thoughts and feelings out so I don't have to eat them. Which is AWESOME.

My clothes are fitting much more comfortably.

I'm sleeping 100x times better. I still want to sleep all the time, but I'll never lose that lol. However, it doesn't take me hours to fall asleep. I'm dozing off within minutes of my head hitting the pillow. Waking up is still hard, but hey, we can't have everything.

This is weight related, but I'm definitely seeing the weight loss in my face. I don't see it in the rest of my body. I know my clothes are fitting better, so I MUST be losing inches all over, but I don't see it yet. My mom says she sees it, but she's my mom, she has to say nice things to me.

I feel like I had so many differences to tell you guys about earlier and now I can't think of them. I should've wrote them down.. next time!

Now again, the boring stuff:

Breakfast: 3 ounces turkey bacon, 1 egg white
Lunch: 2 ounces chicken, 2 ounces turkey burger, 8 grape tomatoes
Dinner: stuffed pepper (4 ounces of turkey burger) with tomato sauce.
Snack: jello!

That's all for today. Thank you guys, for reading :)

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