Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Month 1, Day 2

Hello everyone! First off, I REALLY want to thank all of you for reading this. I was most definitely not expecting to get as many views as I have so far. I'm sure they'll drop down as the days go on, but I'm still super thankful!

Today was a great day. I won't lie, I'm hungry. Even right after I eat, I still feel hungry. But today it was easier to deal with than yesterday. I worked today there are so many opportunities where I work to cheat and eat HORRIBLY, BUT I DIDN'T! I'm very proud of myself.

My dietitian told me I would likely feeling fatigued and dizzy the first few days and I'm very happy to say that I do not. I have had so much energy today and overall feel really well. I do have a headache that's stuck around for over half the day, but I expect that with how little I'm eating and especially since I feel hungry. I discovered that celery and buffalo wing sauce (2 things I can have unlimited amounts of) are a wonderful combination, so I'll probably have a little snack when I've finished this post, and then my sugar free jello before bed, of course.

Here's my rundown for the day:

Breakfast: 2 strips of turkey bacon, one egg white (Side note: the hardest part of this change is getting up early enough before work to make breakfast!)

Lunch: was baked chicken, broccoli, and celery.

Dinner: WAS AMAZING! I thought I had turkey burger and was going to make burgers for dinner, using lettuce as a bun, but I realized I bought turkey breakfast sausage instead of turkey burger. So I improvised a little. I made Glenn normal beef burgers with a bun and fries, and for my grand dinner, I had ground turkey sausage on a leaf of lettuce with buffalo sauce, spinach, a sprinkle of mozzarella cheese and grape tomatoes. I seasoned the sausage with some chili powder and it was PHENOMENAL. And as a bonus, I have plenty of turkey sausage left over for breakfast to break the monotony of turkey bacon every day.

I had a total of 12 ounces of protein today and roughly 10 grams of carbs, 10 less than I'm allowed. Tomorrow evening I will test my urine for the first time to see if I'm in ketosis. I likely won't be being that it'll only be Day 3, but she said it could be 3 days to 2 weeks.

Another pat-myself-on-the-back moment - I have had 116 ounces of water today and 24 ounces of unsweetened iced tea. I normally drink a lot of water but today I have been crazy thirsty. Plus I never really measured my water intake before. I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but I'm supposed to drink more than the average recommended amount of 64 oz of water. But I've always gone by the "take your weight, divide by 2 and that't how many ounces you should drink daily" tip, so no biggy.

Okay friends, I'm out of things to talk about and I'm pretty sure you're tired of reading anyway, so goodnight! I'm going to pack my lunch for tomorrow and relax until bed. I'm so exhausted. 💜

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