Saturday, March 18, 2017

Month 1, Week 3 (midweek)

Hello everybody! I'm sorry I've been MIA lately. I've been working a lot lately and it's just really hard to find something to write everyday now that I'm in the full swing of things. I'm going to start posting once a week on my weigh in days. Last week I lost another 2.7 pounds!! Bringing my total weight loss so far to 14.5 pounds in 2 weeks! It's definitely starting to slow down now, which I knew it would. But as long as I'm still losing 8-12 pounds a month, I'll be happy! I'm supposed to alternate seeing my endocrinologist and my dietitian every month for blood work and a check in, but I don't have an appointment for this month with my endo. I'll be seeing her in May and the dietitian in April but I have no appointments for March. I think on Monday I'll call and see if I should make an appointment with one of them. I'm still in ketosis. For a couple days it was reading in the "small" amounts, but as of this morning it's back at "moderate." But again, the dietitian and the book say that any change in color is good, regardless of the levels. People achieve weight loss in small amounts the same as those in moderate or even large.

I've practically lived in protein shakes lately. They're so simple and easy and I found an approved brand that I like that actually tastes like a treat. With me not feeling hungry most of the time, it's so hard to make myself eat. I miss food, though. I miss eating my favorite things. I miss being able to snack on some Smartfood and chocolate milk when I get the munchies. But this is really helping me control my cravings and improve my eating habits. It feels like it's been months and it hasn't even been one... :( This is going to be a really long 6 months if I don't get pregnant before the end..

Alright, I'm already out of things to say and I haven't written in 8 days! Haha. Special shoutout to Donna M. for the little push I needed to blog tonight! Thanks, ma'am 💜

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