Saturday, March 4, 2017

Month 1, Day 5

This entry is going to be a little shorter, I hope. I'm typing it on my phone and it's just not as fun.

Today was a great day. I resisted temptation all night last night, even though they had chocolate chip marble bundt cake and that's like my favorite dessert the kitchen makes. I didn't give in! When I got home this morning I made breakfast and went to bed. I slept about 3 hours and then spent the evening with Bethany and Tracy in Erie. It was a lovely day. My stomach grumbled a little but overall I haven't felt very hungry (which is good.) I didn't eat lunch before going out so I had dinner around 6:30 and then a snack around 9 consisting of just the protein I was lacking from the day. I completely forgot to test my ketones today, but that's alright. I was worried I would want to stress eat today because I worked 3rd last night and work 1st in the morning and it's a very hard transition on me, even though I do it all the time. I'm usually grumpy, irritable and just plain unpleasant. Getting out and about really worked wonders. I know I'm barely eating anything but I really do feel amazing. Once in a while I'll feel a little dizzy or nauseated but it goes away quickly, especially if I take a big drink of water. I went back to Golden Dawn today and stocked up on those Zero everything Powerade's. It really helps my cravings having something sweet-tasting that I can indulge in at any time, guilt free. Alright, with that being said, here's my meal breakdown for the day:

Breakfast: 3 ounces turkey breakfast sausage, scrambled with 1 egg white, grape tomatoes, spinach, and Italian seasonings, topped with and sprinkle of mozzarella cheese. (It was PHENOMENAL.) (See photo)

Lunch: skipped

Dinner: 6 ounces of Italian turkey sausage, 1/2 cup french style green beans tossed in a splash of extra virgin olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper.

Snack 1: my remaining Italian turkey sausage (from what I pre-cooked), weighing 2 ounces

Snack 2: sugar free jello

I had 64 ounces of powerade, 48 ounces of water, and 24 ounces of tea. I am definitely NEVER lacking in fluids. I'm that type of person who always has to have something to drink, which thank goodness, because this fast can cause bad dehydration. Okay guys, I'm off to dream world 💤💤

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