Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Month 1, Day 8

Soooooo I know this is earlier than I usually post, but I'm just too excited to wait! Today is the beginning of week 2, which means this morning I weighed myself after successfully making it through the first week of this intense and extreme diet!!

This morning my ketone strip was a little lighter than it has been. It was darker than small, but not quite as dark as moderate... but that's okay! I'm still in ketosis. It's probably because I've been forgetting to eat all of my portions because, well, I'm just not hungry. Today was a perfect start to the week. I woke up early enough before school to make myself some breakfast and I got out of school earlier enough to come home and have a lunch at a normal time. Glenn is getting ready to lift, so as soon as he's done I'll make dinner. I'm really excited for dinner tonight. I've been trying to stay away from too much red meat, even though I'm allowed to have it as long as it's lean. It also have a lot more fat than poultry and I'm just really not risking sabotaging my progress. BUT I've earned a nice lean steak :)

On to the boring stuff!

Breakfast: 2 ounces turkey bacon, 2 egg whites
Lunch: 2 turkey burgers, equally 3.5 ounces, with a little less than half a cucumber and some grape tomatoes
Dinner: (which I haven't had yet) 5 ounces New York Strip steak, 1/2 cup broccoli

I finally bought some protein shakes for breakfast on days I can't drag myself out of bed early enough, so likely tomorrow since I work at 7:30 (I am NOT a morning person.) I also bought some spray "butter" because it literally only has 15mg of sodium per like 10 sprays. I've been seriously missing butter in my life. My inner Paula Deen is slightly happier.

Okay... so I'm sure you're probably like "OMG no one cares about this, what was your weight!?" (I made you wait on purpose 😁) I'm not going to tell you all how much I weigh.. That's nun ya business, but I will tell you that when I got on the scale this morning it was 11.8 pounds less than when I got on it last Tuesday morning!!!!!!! I'm absolute ecstatic. I never would have imagined I would lose that much in the first week. I can already tell that the weight loss has slowed somewhat, either because those first few days was all water weight or because I haven't been eating as much as I should, and because I eat so little already, not eating everything I'm supposed to can significantly slow my metabolism. So, no more of that! I'm only allowed to have 4 different kinds of protein shakes and I could only find one at Walmart, so I'll have to look around for a variety. Plain vanilla is not going to work for me. Alrighty guys, I'm out of here. I'm going to watch Glenn and Bethany pick things up and put them down. 💜

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